Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Guess What?????????????

So guess what um i just came back from a soccer game and my team won it was awsome we won 12 to 2 it was great they had everyone on there team and we only had 9 when you are supost to have 11 or more and we only had 9 and we still one them but it helped that that team SUCKED! i got in a fight with Kristen on my soccer team about who was better Superman or batman and of course it was Superman he is awsome and she said that superman sucked cause he wares tights with underware over them but do you know what she is sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooo wronge cause superman is way better and he only wares tights cause it helps wind resistance and he looks hot in them cause you can see his musles or how ever you spell it and he has pritty eyes SUPERMAN IS THE BEST I JUST THOUGHT I WOULD GET THAT STRAIT WITH YOU ONE THAT SUBJECT SUPERMAN IS Also Hotter then any guy just thought you should know but you should have know if you didnt


Coleen said...

Well I think it's obvious that Superman is at least hotter...I mean...Batman feels the need to cover up his face with a mask ;-)


thats funny i think i am going to tell the girl on my soccer team that.